How to make home workouts fun?
4 min read

Try these innovative ideas to make your workout routine as easy as ABC!
Exercise is a known pressure reliever that tends to remove the focus from things that are stressing us. What's more, during the COVID-19 pandemic, ordinary sweat sessions can help restore a feeling of routineness for the people who used to have an exercise routine.
However, the worldwide flare-up of COVID-19 has led to reduced footfall at gyms and empty workout studios. People are not ready to venture outside t
heir homes for their regular fitness. This has in turn made us all physically inactive & brought about weight gain and loss of fitness. Here are some great ideas to get you moving, fit & active at home.
1. Fix a workout schedule
Make a date with your workout. And write it down.
In case you're attempting to get in your cardio exercises and wind up rationalizing, it is suggested to fix the time on your schedule to accomplish your wellness objectives.
Schedule your exercises. Even though the workout routine has changed a lot due to covid, Fitness remains the primary objective; therefore, plan your activities every week. It will also help in giving some structure to your day and a plan for the week.
2. Get innovative with your equipment.
Try not to be hesitant and also to get imaginative with your equipment. Some opposition is superior to no obstruction.
No household item is off-limits.
1. Bag a Pack
A backpack is my main go-to because you can stack it up with whatever amount of weight you need and afterward do a large number of various developments with it," like bear creeps and pushups," as said by a fitness expert.
You can also use bags, suitcases, paint cans, 12-packs, or water instances to add resistance to your exercises.
2. Towel Sliders
Utilize a hand towel for something other than drying off.
Slider exercises are an ideal component in a challenging full-body exercise. While fitness centers have pilates machines & professional gliding disks available, the vast majority of us don't have them in our homes. Enter hand towels. Using hand towels can help you re-make exercises that use sliders. The hand towels work similarly, just as sliders.
3. Find your throne
Get a seat for an additional challenge.
The floor doesn't need to be the solitary surface you use for your cardio workout at home. A hard seat can help you practice various muscles and enjoy an adjustment in positions.
Utilize a chair as a divider for plunges, invert thrusts, decrease pushups, and opposite crunches. Repeat each move a couple of times, and you'll be feeling the burn.
4. HIIT to stay fit.
Attempt it & its sure-to-make-you-sweat.
Fitness experts swear by this extreme cardio exercise regimen. Here are some sample exercises for your HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training workout.
- High knees

- Plyometric lurches
- Drop squats

- Up downs (otherwise called hardened arm burpees)

- Situps
- Bike crunches

- Fold hops
- Wide hikers
- Pushups (add a clap in the middle for added resistance)

- Squat heartbeats
- One inchworm and two bouncing jacks
For every one of the developments, follow this time plan:
First set: Perform the exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds.
Second set: Perform the exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 15 seconds.
Third set: Perform the exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds.
Fourth set: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds.
Eg- Start by doing exercise number one ― high knees ― for 45 seconds and afterward rest for 15 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of high knees and 10 seconds of rest. Repeat both.
When you complete your high knees circuit, proceed onward to the following exercise: lurches and repeats, the four-time adjusts.
Flow down to the following exercises repeating the four-time adjusts for each. The whole rotation requires around 40 minutes, and you'll be super damp with sweat by the end.
4. Get active virtually
Use free exercise applications or social media videos.
There are various choices for home exercises on Pinterest and YouTube, which you can discover by looking at-home workout, covid fitness challenge, or some variety of the term. Likewise, you can find free exercises through applications. Also, virtual fitness classes and virtual group fitness classes have been gaining a lot of attention as it makes the workout fun and enjoyable from the comfort of your home.
Several applications provide free training classes for yoga, cardio, weight training, stretching, and whatnot. For example:
This app is a virtual personal trainer and also offers an inbuilt personal nutritionist so that you can workout at home without any hindrances and expert advice. This app also provides you personalized meal plans and their recipes.
This app helps you to track and achieve your goals and also gives workout reminders to motivate you. It has various videos and workout instructions to help you plan your workout and has a different set of exercises for each body part.
This app has a huge collection of workout plans and through this app you get a chance to workout with professional celebrity trainers and celebrities through video training. This app offers various types of workout programs.
Follow our tips and let us know which one you benefited the most from.